Call for Papers
Thirty First Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP 2025
August 10-15, 2025, Glasgow, Scotland
CP is the premier international event for presenting research in all aspects of computing with constraints, including, but not restricted to: theory, algorithms, environments, languages, models, systems, and applications. CP 2025 is the 31st conference in this series and will be held at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, August 10-15, 2025. This year, CP is co-located with the 28th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2025) and with the 18th International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2025). Note that the first two days (10 and 11th) will be dedicated to the Workshops and Doctoral Program.
The CP conference welcomes submissions that advance the state of the art for the underlying constraint-based technologies, as well as papers that explore the role of constraint programming within other disciplines, such as operations research, machine learning, computational sustainability, quantum computing, computational biology and (cyber)security.
Tracks and Primary Keywords
CP has lately had both a main technical track, an application track and a series of specialised tracks (e.g., machine learning, operations research, etc.) that authors could submit to and were mutually exclusive. This year, inspired by ICAPS 2024, we will only have two tracks: technical and application where, as usual, the former focuses on the scientific contributions made “to” CP, while the latter focuses on scientific contributions made “with” CP. The application track is particularly interested in papers that demonstrate the effectiveness of CP in solving real-world problems, as well as those that offer generalisable insights on the challenges and benefits for both users and developers of applying CP to both academic and real-world problems.
Former specialised tracks are replaced this year by a set of optional primary keywords, which are in addition to the keywords requested from authors every year. Their purpose is to enable submissions to self-identify the area of focus of the CP paper, support the identification of suitable reviewers, and potentially aid in the grouping of thematically related accepted papers in the conference program. Authors (resp. reviewers) will be able to select zero, one or more primary keywords to reflect best the thematic contributions of their CP paper (resp. reviewer expertise).
The primary keywords that can be used to qualify the particular focus of the CP research presented in the paper are:
- Theory
- Constraint Propagation, Explanation & Inference
- Search (Complete & Heuristic)
- SAT, MaxSAT & Logic Programming
- Modelling & Modelling Languages
- Operations Research & Mathematical Optimisation
- Machine Learning & Generative AI
- Verification, Certification & Testing
- Hardware, Quantum, Security & Parallelism
- Model Counting
- Decision Diagrams & Dynamic Programming
- Symmetries/Dominance
- Model/Instance Explainability
Important Dates
- Submissions open: February
- Abstract registration: 20/03
- Paper submission: 27/03
- Author rebuttal: 8/05-12/05
- Final notification: 29/05
- Camera Ready: 09/06
- Conference: 10/08-15/08
Dates are intended as 11pm Anywhere on Earth (AoE, also known as UTC-12). Note that the dates for registration and submission are selected in such a way they fall on Friday midnight in New Zealand, thus ensuring nobody has to work on the weekend to finish their CP abstract/paper.
Submission Instructions
The submission Web page for CP 2025 uses the OpenReview system. The change in submission system has been made to facilitate a new development for CP: the publication of the anonymised reviews and meta-reviews of all accepted papers.
Papers should be submitted in the form of a PDF file following LIPIcs guidelines.
To open the conference more widely, two types of submissions are expected:
- Full papers, that can use up to 15 pages (references and appendices excluded).
- Short papers, that can use up to 8 pages (references and appendices excluded).
Short papers cover early results or highly specific results that can be adequately reported in 8 pages. They must nonetheless respect the quality expectations of the conference. Both full and short papers should attract a wide audience and will be allocated time for presentation during the conference.
Appendices of up to 6 pages for full papers and up to 3 pages for short papers can be included and will not contribute towards the total page count. Supplemental material (for example, experimental results or code) may be referenced, but only if this is done without revealing the authors' identities (for example, by using to fit our double-blind review process (see below). Papers should be self-contained and be comprehensible without reference to either appendices or supplemental material. Authors should not place elements essential to their paper in either appendices or supplemental material and indeed it will be left to the discretion of each reviewer whether they refer to this material or not.
To facilitate reviewing management, authors who intend to submit a paper to CP 2025 should submit an abstract with a maximum of 150 words, summarising the contribution of the paper and indicating the track and primary keywords by March 20, 2025. The paper submission must be completed by March 27, 2025.
All papers will go through a double-blind reviewing process, meaning that authors and reviewers are mutually anonymous. For this reason, submitted papers should not contain author names, affiliations, or links to identifying websites. References to the authors' own papers should be cited in such a way so as to avoid revealing the authorship of the paper. Authors will also be able to submit a single rebuttal for each paper during the period.
Submissions exceeding the page limits, improperly formatted, with author names/affiliations/identifying-websites, or with identical (or almost identical) papers appearing in arXiv will be rejected without review.
Each paper must be submitted to one track only (technical or application). When necessary, the Program Chair may move a submission to a more suitable track before reviewing starts.
Submitted papers must not appear in, be accepted for, or be under review for a journal or another peer-reviewed conference with archived conference proceedings. Submissions that have appeared at workshops or other meetings and have not been formally published or have appeared only in highly shortened form (e.g., abstracts) can be submitted as papers.
Accepted papers will appear in conference proceedings published by LIPIcs. The proceedings will be available at the time of the conference.
Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) scholarship and other support
CP 2025 is committed to support the participation of individuals from underrepresented groups and to foster a more inclusive research community. In particular, CP 2025 offers DEI scholarships, which provide financial assistance to cover conference attendance costs, including registration fees, travel, and accommodation. Scholarship recipients will also be integrated into the Doctoral Program, gaining access to mentorship. Eligibility for the DEI scholarship requires applicants to hold a PhD (or equivalent degree) and to submit a paper to the conference; however, paper acceptance is not required to qualify for the scholarship. Application to the DEI scholarship will be through the main paper submission process. Applicants will also need to provide a statement about their eligibility and a short CV (details on how to do this will be provided later).
In addition to the scholarships, CP 2025 is willing to support attendees with childcare or accessibility needs on a best-effort basis; if you are interested, please get in touch early to discuss your needs. For more information, follow the DEI page and contact the DEI chairs.
Use of Generative AI
CP 2025 is adopting the AAAI policy regarding the use of Generative AI systems such as ChatGPT. Papers that include text generated from an AI system are prohibited unless the produced text is presented as a part of the paper’s experimental setup. This does not prohibit authors from using AI systems for editing or polishing author-written text.
CP 2025 also follows AAAI policy in considering that AI systems, including Generative Models such as Chat-GPT, BARD, or DALL-E, do not satisfy the criteria considered for paper authorship and, as such, these systems cannot be used as authors or as citable sources in papers published in CP. Authors assume full responsibility for the content of submitted work, including checking for plagiarism and the veracity of all text.
Inclusive Description of Research Contributions
Please consider making your research contribution description inclusive in nature. For example, consider using gender-neutral pronouns, using examples that are ethnicity/culture-rich, engaging users from diverse backgrounds if your research involves a survey, etc. Best efforts should be made to make the paper accessible to visually impaired and color-blind readers.
Other Information
Questions about the paper submission process may be addressed to the Program Chair, Maria Garcia de la Banda (